Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If You Were Wondering Where Aw Diddums Has Got To...

Oo - Blogigo has pulled the plug on itself again. Hmm. I should take the opportunity to get that Christmas tree up.

Wednesday 20th December: I'm starting to wonder if Blogigo has given up altogether.


Bunnyman said...

I thought you might be here. Poor old Blogigo, it does seem to be having problems today. I wonder if the support team have gone off for their Christmas lunch and forgotten to come back?
It's gone a warm, yellowy grey in here. Very clean and smart looking.
Is there really such a thing as too many books?

(giggles) I forgot to fill in the word verification and it's now calling me "twitpuc".

Anonymous said...

I figured it was better than the purply colour I used before. A little closer to the setup on the Blogigo blog.

Seems Blogigo is still down. Suspect some splogger has been laying malware traps for people, as when I tried to visit Blogigo.de, Google kept saying "don't visit this site."

twitpuc?? Is the word verification bot developing a sense of humour?

My Christmas tree is HALF up (she said proudly). Got sidetracked by a piece on Tripods, followed by the House of Agoraphobics. I think his theory about why it's mostly women who are affected is a little glibe.

Bunnyman said...

I saw a little of House of Agoraphobics (though not that comment). Since I suffer an extremely mild form of irrational discomfort while in crowds - which may or may not be agoraphobic - I was hoping for a good broad documentary analysis of the condition. Instead it had more of a reality TV show feel. I should have guessed from the title that it wasn't quite going to be Panorama quality.

After the initial indignation of being referred as "twitpuc", I had a good giggle. It might just make a fine alternate blog alias.

Hope your tree feels more wholesome tomorrow, and for that matter, Blogigo too.

Anonymous said...

Yes - typical reality fare... "tell them to snap out of it!" The cognitive therapy thing rang a bell - "why should this upset you? What's the worst thing that could happen? And then? And then?" And I looked at the therapist as though she had gone soft in the head - which is much what the affected people in the series were doing - LOL.

Tree is looking good, but I've discovered the fairy lights are too short! Rats. It's not the end of the world, of course. But will hold off on the bells and candy canes for a bit...

Unfortunately there are too many books here - it's a tiny house. Otherwise I would quite happily collect six times as many. Not quite sure what to do about the situation. Hmm.